Enhancing Adoption of Competence -based Agricultural Curricula in Higher Education Institutions in East Africa
Who we are
AgrCBE is a partnership for the transformation of university education towards Competence based Education (CBE) in Kenya and Uganda. It is need-based to help National Higher Education Councils in Kenya and Uganda meet their regulatory tasks in managing Competence based education.
We stand out
The project name AgrCBE derives from the background of the project of testing and piloting of the CBE tools which is to be in early adopter Universities Gulu, Bishop Stuart, Egerton and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. These institutions partnered in another EACEA project called AgriSCALE which ended in 2024.
In that project, the gap in Competence Based Education governance was identified, and the discussions with national Higer Education Institutions governance gave birth to the project AgrCBE in 2025, also funded by the European union.
The main Objective
The AgrCBE project will serve as an opportunity to share experiences between African and European partners, internally, regionally, and internationally.
Secondly, it will help refresh and/ or upscale expertise, tools and methods that govern HEIs to systematically embed and structure participation of industry and societal partners to CBE curricula planning and implementation processes through regulative guidance.
Lastly, it will help to escalate the HEIs’ industry linkages to provide experiential, practical learning, to strengthen and deepen cross-societal networks for further collaborative work.
To strengthen Kenya and Uganda education governance authorities’ capacity to support competence-based, work life relevant & inclusive higher education for societal and environmental development .
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